Welcome to Bulgarian web page of Norika!
Here you will find useful and detailed information on our varieties of potatoes. For your convenience, the varieties are grouped according to their industrial purpose and their vegetation period, making it easy to find the desired varieties.
In addition to useful information, you can ask questions, place orders, share opinions, give feedback, and make recommendations by contacting us.
The site provides up-to-date information on upcoming events, news related to Norika’s activities and other topical issues. We have tried to answer the most frequently asked questions about the ordering mechanism, the characteristics of the seedlings, etc.
Last but not least, here you will find information about Norika Germany, Norika Bulgaria and useful articles and tips on growing potatoes.
We hope, with your help, to further develop our site and make it a place where you can find everything you care about Norika and potato production at all.