In recent years, the red skin varieties have gained increasing popularity. Although they are still far from using the traditional yellow varieties, the red skin potatoes has fantastic qualities.
In this connection Norika continues to select and introduce new varieties, with some of which we will introduce you.
Certainly, the most demanded red variety skin varieties is BIRGIT. It has remarkable qualities both in terms of its production and its consumption. BIRGIT is a medium-early variety, adapting perfectly to the growing conditions in Bulgaria. It is characterized by the formation of big to very big tubers, a bright red color of the skin, a high and upright plant. It is relatively resistant to the main diseases – late blight and early blight. BIRGIT is resistant to cyst nematodes pathotype 1 and 4. Under irrigation conditions and suitable fertilization and properly executed plant protection, BIRGIT has a high yielding potential. Yields per decare of five tonnes or more are achieved. It should be noted that the variety has excellent storage and is very suitable for long-term storage.
BIRGIT‘s taste qualities are superb. The yellow color flesh makes it attractive for both households and the hotel and restaurant business. BIRGIT can be used for both frying and cooking and baking while preserving its color.
As we have already mentioned, Norika has also confirmed new varieties, of which Baltic Rose and Baltic Fire are important. Both varieties are in the group of medium-early varieties, they have a red to light red color skin and a light yellow to yellow flesh. Tubers are medium to large, plants from medium to high. The taste is very good. They have excellent storage.
The characteristics and qualities of the Norika varieties make them desirable and demanded by producers, traders and consumers.
More for Birgit: here
More for Baltic rose: here
More for Baltic fire: here