WEGA is one of the fastest growing and most popular varieties throughout Europe. In Germany it is one of the most popular and preferred potato varieties. Despite the fact that it is a relatively new variety, it is increasingly preferred in our country, mainly because of its excellent taste and extractive potential. By its nature and parameters it comes very close to SORAYA.
WEGA is an early to mid-early variety with a vegetation period of between 70-80 days. It usually forms 12-18 tubers, most of which are uniform in size. The tuber size usually varies between 45-50mm to 80-85mm, which is a way for excellent packaging options in different weight packages. The tubers have yellow and smooth skin and the inside is yellow to deep yellow. One of the important advantages of WEGA variety is its tendency not to darken after peeling for a long time, as well as the lack of discoloration during cooking. This is precisely what determines its wide application in semi-finished products. In addition, the excellent taste and versatility make it a household favorite for both cooking and baking, frying and salads.
WEGA variety usually forms medium high to tall plants, solid stems, white flowers and medium frequency flowering. The variety is relatively resistant to injuries and black spots, which makes it very suitable for mechanized harvesting even in very dry conditions. This is a great advantage, especially under Bulgarian conditions, characterized by dry and warm weather in late summer and early fall. The variety can be successfully harvested with potato harvesters. Another important characteristic of WEGA variety is the relatively good tolerance of hot weather. In many areas where rainfall is sufficient, it can be grown successfully without irrigation. This, in no way eliminates the plants’ need of water, especially in hot and dry weather, which is observed in most potato growing areas in Bulgaria during the summer. This is why irrigation helps plants reach their potential.
Normally, with good cultivation, compliance with plant protection, fertilization and irrigation measures, WEGA yields vary between 45-60 tonnes / ha. The variety has good storability and can be well stored for 3-6 months.
WEGA is highly resistant to the most common viruses. Another advantage of the variety is its resistance to black leg and potato wart disease. In addition, WEGA is resistant to the main types of cyst nematodes.
The taste qualities of WEGA are excellent and not inferior to those of SORAYA and GALA. The versatility of the variety makes it possible for widespread use in households for cooking, frying and boiling. WEGA is widely used in the production of semi-finished foods.
The specificities of WEGA as a variety make it extremely suitable for organic farming.
More for WEGA – HERE